Welcome to our first blog on our new website. We have a new name. We liked our old name iCoachNewYork. We changed our name to iCoachGlobal to tell people we are no longer limited to the New York metro area in working with those we teach and coach.
As a fully virtual program, student participants, Faculty, Supervisors/Mentor Coaches and coaching clients can and now will come from anywhere, mostly in the US - although we’re also happy to attract exceptional international participants, too.
We are excited about this new reach. We’ve been in existence for twenty years. We were founded by well-known psychologist Bob Lee and his colleagues Michael Frisch, Karen Metzger and myself, Jeremy Robinson. As we grew, Judy Rosemarin and Donna Marcus joined our Faculty and contributed mightily to the depth and creativity of what we’ve taught. More recently, we benefitted by adding adjunct faculty including Karyn Gallant, Sarah Savella, David Sarnoff and Kate Edwards. Jacci Johnson, new this year, is our first non-iCoach graduate to join us as Adjunct Faculty.
We’ve trained more than two hundred exceptional executive coaches. Our coaching participants, in turn have conducted more than two hundred coaching cases. We’ve hosted a variety of brilliant guest speakers, many experts in their fields of executive coaching.
Yet with all of this, we still need help to get the word out - especially outside of New York. Can you tell a colleague in HR or OD who lives in the West, South, Midwest or Mid-Atlantic about our incredible program? Can you tell a leader you know, or a newly-minted executive coach, that we’re looking for exceptional candidates to join us?
We partner with excellent organizations to offer pro bono coaching engagements. If you have leads for great pro bono coaching cases which meet our criteria, please let us know about that, too.
Please let us know through our Contact Us page.
Meanwhile, please download our 2023 PCP Syllabus or any of the articles on this website. We’re looking forward to getting started all over again!
Jeremy Robinson, MSW, MCC
Director of Education,